Hands For The Smile

We provide those in need with opportunity, dignity, and hope so they can possess the tools for change in themselves, their family, and their community. opportunity

Hands For the Smile  Foundation is a non- profit organization Based in Uganda Africa. The organization was initiated in 2019 and is committed to improving health and well-being for all. We recognise that the health of our people and our planet are inextricably linked.

Vulnerable children and their families are at the heart of everything we do.

Our Mission

To provide free health and Education services to the less privileged, marginalised, indigent and weaker sections of the community.

Our Vision

To be the best services providers of free health and education service in the country.

Our Core Values

Transparency. Integrity and Professionalism.

Wonderfull Childhood

Who does not deserve wonderful childhood memories? create them for someone.

What We Do

We work with the whole person and the whole community. Instead of rescuing individuals from bad situations, we change the situation to be better for everyone.


For the Community women and youth to be self reliant and be able to sustain their families, Hands For the Smile  Foundation provides capacity build trainings such as Shoes making, hairdressing and tailoring skills trainings, baking and juice making .The aim of these skills training is to equip the local youth and Women


Hands For the Smile  Foundation, Senstizes people on the ways to prevent HIV and encourages those on ARVs to stay on medication, HERF visits schools encouraging youngg girls & boys to abstain from sex untill marriage as the only method of AIDS Prevention.


Many people in our community do not know how to feed and what to feed their children, pregnant mothers and the elderly sometimes this due to the economic situation in the country and ignorance Hands For the Smile  Foundation will teach communities on what they are supposed to feed

Alleviate Poverty By Providing Opportunity, Dignity, and Hope








Supporting young people in Uganda to become self-reliant and live free from poverty, through technical vocational training and business skills courses, and specialised support such as counselling.


Clean water, sanitation and hygiene for every child

Access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene gives children and their families a chance to flourish. We believe every child deserves – and has the right – to use safe water and live in a clean environment.

Clean water, a clean environment, and good hygiene practices are essential for children and families to thrive.

Cheru, 6, fills her cup with clean drinking water at the water kiosk near her home.

She and her whole community benefits from a 16 km gravity-fed World Vision pipeline that brings clean water to 6 kiosks in her village. Along with other children, she used to walk 6 km daily to carry water to school and home. Now the pipeline brings water to both places. 

West Pokot, KenyaSee Cheru’s story, here: https://www.worldvision.org/clean-water-news-stories/compare-walk-for-water-cheru-kamama 

Kesot community, Sook ADP, West Pokot, Kenya
Our contact
Lives Changed


A life of plenty for every child is possible, yet every day more children go hungry. ENOUGH of the right food and nutrition is still not reaching the children who need it. This is just not good ENOUGH. Children are speaking out against this injustice and proposing solutions – together we will answer their call.

Every child deserves the food they need to develop a healthy body and mind. Every family deserves to be able to put ENOUGH of the right food on the table.

What makes us different?

Sustainable transformation

We empower

We work

Safe and Secure Childhoods

We believe a world without violence against children is possible. The goal of child protection is to strengthen the protection of boys and girls from abuse, neglect, exploitation, and other forms of violence.

Breaking cycles of poverty

Around the world, the impact of extreme poverty on children’s development is devastating. We are  striving to end the cycle of poverty by 2030. This will enable the most vulnerable children to reach their full potential and enjoy life in its fullness. 

The transformational power of sponsorship

Take Action

Together we can protect vulnerable children

Sponsor a Child

Help us reduce poverty by sponsoring a child.

A World of Hope In You

You’ll find hope each time you meet the needs of another vulnerable child and family in crisis.

Give a Helping Hand for needy People


We envision a world where all children are healthy and well-nourished. Good health and nutrition empower children, families and communities, enabling them to thrive.

Partner with us

Partner with Us, together, we work to alleviate poverty, suffering, and injustice.


We currently have opportunities across the United States.